Optimize Your Dental Office Workflow to Increase Production

Setbacks are inevitable. But facing them proactively is one of the first steps towards optimizing your dental practice workflows.

No doubt, recent closures dealt a huge blow to the dental industry. Reopening is bringing it’s own set of challenges as well.

Turning the lights back on might seem as simple as flipping common switches and getting back to patient treatment. Even so, business as usual requires some adjustments.

”COVID-19 is going to create a marked shift in dentistry because people will demand it. Patients will be scrutinizing their dentist office experience and expecting the highest level of safety, whereas previously, safety measures may have just been assumed. For those of us who have always aimed to be on the forefront of dentistry, especially as a component of overall health and wellness, this is game time.”

It’s (still) all about the patients (but with a few essential changes to your dental practice workflows)

COVID-19 has created a shift in dentistry. Your patients now expect certain things that you (and they) might have once taken for granted.

A shift in safety protocols

Prior to the pandemic most assumed (accurately so) that infection control measures were in place and followed routinely. Now, your dental practice will be more closely scrutinized first, by your related narrative regarding patient safety.

And second…

By the practical contactless protocols you have in place that makes access to safe dentistry the new norm.

  • Curbside check-in goes beyond convenience to a more acceptable means of maintaining and controlling necessary physical distancing. Patients can avoid reception and front desk crowding via a digital portal and enter the facility when it’s time for their appointment.
  • Online appointment booking is another convenience that allows patients to schedule their appointment safely and time efficiently.
  • Teledentistry and virtual patient consultations enable you to safely and securely evaluate and diagnose your patient’s oral health. It gives you the option of scheduling potential treatment if and when they feel ready to proceed – while keeping your expertise easily accessible.

This might seem an unfair evaluation of your standard of care. But fair or not, patient expectations are high and their migration back to dental care will be dependent on how well you’re adapting to the changes – even technologically.

Now that we’re on the subject of technology…

A surge in technology advances

Technology does more than differentiate your practice in this new era of dentistry. It can now radically improve your ability to care for your patients more efficiently and safely.

”…if new technology can improve patient care and allow us to deliver a superior product, it is our obligation to our patients to learn and adopt it.”

The above mentioned contactless dental technology innovations are only the beginning. More will be developed and expanded upon while some are currently available and being utilized.

These days the more layers of patient contact and connection you can remove – getting to the solutions for their care – the better. Technology innovations aren’t about eliminating patient connection as much as they’re about providing easier (and secure) access minus the tethering required by traditional (desktop) platforms.

  • A cloud-based dental practice management platform makes scheduling, managing patient information, and ultimately patient care a more seamless process. Dental practice workflows improve as team members have secure access to patient data inside and outside the office.
  • Automated billing gives patients another contactless option. And the digital accounts receivable system can reduce payment and insurance claims processing delays too. Team workflows will also be more streamlined – freeing up your front desk team for other necessary tasks required during the COVID-19 era.
  • An upgraded payment platform can provide fast, efficient point-of-service (POS) transactions. This gives your patients another digital (paperless) option for making a payment following treatment. It also helps reduce and eliminate unnecessary collection tasks from your team’s routine workflow.

Positive results emerge from effective and efficient workflows. And your patient care standards can stay aligned with what’s required by this current season of dentistry.

Workflow enhancements like the Denticon Dental Dashboard and cloud-based Dental Practice Management Software Platform are a good foundation. The above mentioned contactless, digital technologies merge perfectly with them.

Get an inside look at how Denticon works.

Contact us for more information about how our patient care systems can produce better dental practice workflows, increase your production, and meet patient exceptions during this period of dentistry and beyond.