Why Current Patients Are More Valuable Than New Patients

Which is more valuable: a new patient, or a patient you’ve seen before? This isn’t a trick question; like most dentists, you’re probably trying to bring as many new patients as you can fit in your schedule. But in practice, the best way to find those new patients is by reaching out to the patients you’ve already seen.

If practice growth is your goal, then your current patients are more valuable than new patients. Here’s why.

Referrals are the most effective form of marketing for your dental practice. But you can’t get referrals if your current patients aren’t happy and satisfied with the service you provide. Giving your current patients a great experience is an absolute necessity if you want to open the door to referrals.

People are eager to talk about their experiences, and if they had a positive one they’re very likely to tell their friends. Over 80% of patients who had a positive experience are willing to provide a referral — if you’re providing great service and your patients are satisfied, then that’s a huge opportunity for your practice.

Current patients are your gateway to referrals, and from there, to new patients. That’s why they’re valuable, and that’s why you need to help guide patients at every step of their journey — so they enter your practice as strangers, and leave as eager promoters of you and your business. That’s the way to fuel practice growth.

Learn how Legwork can help you get more referrals than ever before while building an amazing patient experience!