Are You Practicing Patient Engagement Hygiene?

5 Tips to Guide the Patient Journey
When a patient sits in your chair for an initial exam, that’s not the start of their journey with your practice. By the time you say “hello”, they’ve already made critical decisions built on numerous touches with your brand. They’ve also chosen you over everyone else. That doesn’t happen by accident. After they leave your office, they continue to make decisions about future care. And while they receive marketing from surrounding practices, you also compete for their time and budget with other consumer choices. How your brand perception impacts their journey before, during, and after their visits makes all the difference. Here are 5 tips that work together to facilitate an experience keeping patients wanting more from your practice:
- Use hyperlocal ads that place your practice at the top of Google Maps when consumers search healthcare terms in your area. These ads will leapfrog your practice past those closer to the patient or even over those with more reviews.
- Use geofencing techniques to follow consumers with your ads after they’ve moved into your defined region.
- Design a mobile-first website that uses easy contact forms that nurture prospective patients through email campaigns.
- Deliver automated reminders and add paperless forms to gather information on comfort preferences.
- Encourage patients to leave reviews and send referrals to your practice using tools within your PRM software.
Managing the segments of patient engagement demands an integrated, focused strategy. An all-in-one solution in a single software gives your practice the engine it needs to deliver throughout the patient journey. Download our free eBook: 6 Easy Touchpoints to Retain Patients . Create growth and nurture patient retention at a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising.