Automatic Document Generation for Dental Practices: XrayVision®

Whether you’re sending patient referrals, creating treatment plans, or submitting images to insurance companies, document generation is part of the everyday routine of most dental practices. Accurate and concise documentation creation is the first step to ensuring that your patients receive the specialized care they need. The organization of your patient’s data and the creation of their documentation go hand in hand. For example, creating accurate and concise referral documentation makes it easier for the healthcare provider receiving your patient to understand their prognosis and pursue the correct course of treatment. XrayVision’s automatic document generation feature can help you and your patients by automatically generating electronic documentation at the click of a button.
Apteryx XrayVision software ensures your documents are generated quickly and accurately by packaging your patient’s digital images and personal data together via integration with your digital imaging and practice management software. Whether you’re sending patient referrals, treatment plans, or submitting images to insurance companies, XrayVision does it all for you electronically.
XrayVision’s automatic document generation feature provides your practice with a tool that can streamline your document generation processes and reduce your staff’s manual workload at no additional cost – our software integrates seamlessly with the majority of digital imaging devices and practice management software systems on the market.
Save time by no longer needing to generate documentation by hand; reduce your practice’s carbon footprint by sending out referrals and other documentation digitally.
If you would like to learn more about XrayVision, call us toll-free at 1-877-APTERYX for a full explanation of its features and benefits.
Automatic document generation at the click of a button. Your 30-day free trial of XrayVision® starts here.