COVID-19: Keeping Your Patients Up-to-Date and Engaged

You’ve consulted state guidelines, you’ve reached out to your patients, and you’re practicing social distancing by closing down. So what are the next steps for your practice? Keeping lines of communication going and preparing for reopening are crucial moves to make in the days ahead. Here are the next steps you can take to manage the patient journey, weather COVID-19, and ensure your practice re-opens stronger than ever.

Send an April Update

You let your patients know what was happening last month. Now it’s time to touch base again. Show that you miss them by sending an April update, letting them know you’re following the latest local and CDC guidelines, and that you’re available for emergency procedures (if applicable). You can also provide updates on safety measures you’re taking, and your personal approach to social distancing.

Blog On

Keeping on top of the news can feel like a full-time job during fast-moving events like the one we currently face, and bad information can circulate rapidly along with accurate reporting. Your patients are probably struggling to sift through the noise. Stay top-of-mind and build rapport with your patients by being a community resource. Keep abreast of the latest regulatory and medical advice on COVID-19, then post the best resources on your blog. Share tips that patients can apply at home, and explain emergency services that you can offer in accordance with local statutes. Update your social media presence with links to your latest blog posts. This content flow will keep your patients engaged so they’ll turn to you as a trusted source of new information.

Confirm and Create Content

Being closed down doesn’t mean there’s nothing to do at your practice. Now is the perfect time to get your business up-to-date and ready to roll for when you return to regular hours. Update your website to reflect your current hours and contact information, and any announcements you may have for your patients. Then make any content changes or revisions you haven’t had time for to ensure your site is up-to-date. You can also work on unscheduled treatment follow-up plans by identifying patients who will be due or overdue for a visit when the shutdown is over. Check out your recall list, run reports, and create email campaigns targeting patients who require needed treatments and procedures. You can also watch part 3 of this series, “ Managing the Patient Journey Through COVID-19: Improving Your Online Search Results ,” for advice on keeping your practice going during this difficult time.