Google Announces the Switch to Mobile-First Indexing. What Does This Mean for Your SEO?

For anyone less familiar – indexing is the snapshot of your website that Google records for future reference in search optimization. Google has just announced that they have started recording just the mobile-version for many websites.
As explained by Google, “Mobile-first indexing means that we’ll use the mobile version of the page for indexing and ranking, to better help our — primarily mobile — users find what they’re looking for.”
Which websites are affected?
Currently, only websites that already meet Google’s mobile-first standards will be recorded differently. For now, being recorded as mobile-first website just means you’re ahead of the game and will remain optimized for SEO.
For anyone without a mobile-first website, there is still time to make the switch. That said, it is important to recognize what Google is signaling here – people want mobile-first websites and that is exactly what Google is going to give them . It won’t be long before non-mobile-first websites will be at a SEO disadvantage; simply due to the traffic of Google users shifting to the faster and easier mobile-first websites.
Legwork saw this coming.
If you have a Legwork Website, rest easy – your website is a mobile-first design!
When Google announced they were testing a mobile-first indexing in October 2016, Legwork took action and made the switch to mobile-first website designs. Seizing opportunities like these is how we give your practice a competitive-edge and keep our promise of ‘More Innovation.’
We didn’t stop there and won’t ever stop. Legwork is on a mission to put your practice ahead and keep you there. We are always making advancements in our software and services, anticipating of the never ending changes in technology.
In addition to being the first dental marketing company to switch to mobile-first designs, we’ve also made enhancements in our software – the only fully integrated, all-in-one software to mobile-first website ecosystem on the market. The SEO benefits are unprecedented and exactly what practices need to boost traffic and engagement on their websites (improving rank).
This is Happiness Delivered.
Note: Legwork mobile-first websites do conform to Google best practices for mobile-first indexing.