
How Groups and DSOs Can Easily Manage Internal Referrals to Specialists With Denticon
Now Available: The Internal Referral Management System, a Powerful Tool for Group Practices Planet DDS is excited to announce the launch of a new and exciting feature for Denticon users:...

Xaña Winans was a guest speaker for our webinar earlier this year, and she shared a wealth of knowledge about marketing for dentists, so we recently sat down with Xaña...

How to Run an Effective Morning Huddle for Your Dental Team
“Emoji” (pronounced “eh-moji”) is a Japanese word meaning picture-character. It’s a picture that takes the place of a single letter or character. Depending on your line of work, you may...
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Telehealth App: A Virtual Get-To-Know-You
By Dr. Greg Grillo Dental anxiety grips over 60% of people , and the implications ripple throughout our practices. We work in close, intimate spaces with our patients, and their anxiety can...
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Guest Post by Kleer: Top 10 Questions Group Practices Ask About Launching a Membership Plan
As a group practice or DSO you have a lot to do—marketing, recruiting, training, payroll, billing, and so on. As a result, we often hear from groups and DSOs that...

Develop an Entrepreneurial Mindset and Create a Thriving Private Dental Practice
“How’s it going…?” That’s a common question in most conversations. The response on occasion might be, “Just livin’ the dream…!” If that’s your response, it could have something to do...
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5 Dental Website Design Tricks
By Dr. Greg Grillo 1,197,982,359. That’s how many websites float in cyberspace, and about 380 new sites are created every minute . In California alone, there are over 20,000 dentists and specialists....

How Digitally Mature DSOs Achieve a Competitive Advantage
The “chicken-or-the-egg?” The debate essentially revolves around what’s first. For dentistry – specifically DSOs – the discussion could revolve around being first in a digital sense. Even more specific: why...
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How To Go Touchless With Teledentistry
5 Quick Steps To Expanding Your Practice Today By Dr. Greg Grillo We’ve been riding a tsunami of change lately. It may take some time to process the seismic shift...
Spend more time with patients, less time on paperwork.