DSO M&A 101

DSO M&A 101: Top Tips, Timelines, and Red Flags for Dentists and DSO Executive

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Top Tips, Timelines, and Red Flags for Dentists and DSO Executives

Learn from dental practice experts about the mergers and acquisition (M&A) landscape, with helpful tips for practice owners considering M&A, timelines that dental practice sellers can expect, the red flags that can prevent a sale, and predictions for dental practice buyers and sellers moving forward.

In this in-depth guide, get statistics, resources, and actionable insights, including:

  • Top tips for dental practice owners thinking of selling to a DSO
  • Deciding the right time for dentists to start talking to potential buyers
  • How dentist and DSO executives should prepare for a sale
  • Tips for telling the dental team your practice is selling
  • An easy-to-use “red flag” checklist for dentists and investors for M&A